Section 3
CP/M Assembler

Table of Contents

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Program Format
3.3 Forming the Operand

3.3.1 Labels
3.3.2 Numeric Constants
3.3.3 Reserved Words
3.3.4 String Constants
3.3.5 Arithmetic and Logical Operators
3.3.6 Precedence of Operators

3.4 Assembler Directives
3.4.1 The ORG Directive
3.4.2 The END Directive
3.4.3 The EQU Directive
3.4.4 The SET Directive
3.4.5 The IF and ENDIF Directive
3.4.6 The DB Directive
3.4.7 The DW Directive
3.4.8 The DS Directive

3.5 Operation Codes
3.5.1 Jumps, Calls, and Returns
3.5.2 Immediate Operand Instructions
3.5.3 Increment and Decrement Instructions
3.5.4 Data Movement Instructions
3.5.5 Arithmetic Logic Unit Operations
3.5.6 Control Instructions

3.6 Error Messages
3.7 A Sample Session


3-1 Reserved Characters
3-2 Arithmetic and Logical Operations
3-3 Assembler Directives
3-4 Jumps, Calls, and Returns
3-5 Immediate Operand Instructions
3-6 Increment and Decrement Instructions
3-7 Data Movement Instructions
3-8 Arithmetic Logic Unit Operations
3-9 Error Codes
3-10 Error Messages

3.1 Introduction

The CP/M assembler reads assembly-language source files from the disk and produces 8080 machine language in Intel hex format. To start the CP/M assembler, type a command in one of the following forms:

     ASM filename
     ASM filename.parms

In both cases, the assembler assumes there is a file on the disk with the name:


which contains an 8080 assembly-language source file. The first and second forms shown above differ only in that the second form allows parameters to be passed to the assembler to control source file access and hex and print file destinations.

In either case, the CP/M assembler loads and prints the message:


where n.n is the current version number. In the case of the first command, the assembler reads the source file with assumed filetype ASM and creates two output files


The HEX file contains the machine code corresponding to the original program in Intel hex format, and the PRN file contains an annotated listing showing generated machine code, error flags, and source lines. If errors occur during translation, they are listed in the PRN file and at the console.

The form ASM filename parms is used to redirect input and output files from their defaults. In this case, the parms portion of the command is a three-letter group that 'fies the origin of the source file, the destination of the hex file, and the destination of the print file. The form is


where p1, p2, and p3 are single letters. P1 can be


which designates the disk name that contains the source file. P2 can be


which designates the disk name that will receive the hex file; or, P2 can be


which skips the generation of the hex file.

P3 can be


which designates the disk name that will receive the print file. P3 can also be specified as


which places the listing at the console; or


which skips generation of the print file. Thus, the command

     ASM X.AAA

indicates that the source, X.HEX and print, X.PRN files are also to be created on disk A. This form of the command is implied if the assembler is run from disk A. Given that you are currently addressing disk A, the above command is the same as

     ASM X

The command

     ASM X.ABX

indicates that the source file is to be taken from disk A, the hex file is to be placed on disk B, and the listing file is to be sent to the console. The command

     ASM X.BZZ

takes the source file from disk B and skips the generation of the hex and print files. This command is useful for fast execution of the assembler to check program syntax.

The source program format is compatible with the Intel 8080 assembler. Macros are not implemented in ASM; see the optional MAC macro assembler. There are certain extensions in the CP/M assembler that make it somewhat easier to use. These extensions are described below.

3.2 Program Format

An assembly-language program acceptable as input to the assembler consists of a sequence of statements of the form

     line# label operation operand ;comment

where any or all of the fields may be present in a particular instance. Each assemblylanguage statement is terminated with a carriage return and line-feed (the line-feed is inserted automatically by the ED program), or with the character !, which is treated as an end-of-line by the assembler. Thus, multiple assembly-language statements can be written on the same physical line if separated by exclamation point symbols.

The line# is an optional decimal integer value representing the source program line number, and ASM ignores this field if present.

The label field takes either of the following forms:


The label field is optional, except where noted in particular statement types. The identifier is a sequence of alphanumeric characters where the first character is alphabetic. Identifiers can be freely used by the programmer to label elements such as program steps and assembler directives, but cannot exceed 16 characters in length. All characters are significant in an identifier, except for the embedded dollar symbol $, which can be used to improve readability of the name. Further, all lower-case alphabetics are treated as upper-case. The following are all valid instances of labels:


The operation field contains either an assembler directive or pseudo operation, or an 8080 machine operation code. The pseudo operations and machine operation codes are described in Section 3.3.

Generally, the operand field of the statement contains an expression formed out of constants and labels, along with arithmetic and logical operations on these elements. Again, the complete details of properly formed expressions are given in Section 3.3.

The comment field contains arbitrary characters following the semicolon symbol untill the next real or logical end-of-line. These characters are read, listed, and otherwise ignored by the assembler. The CP/M assembler also treats statements that begin with an * in column one as comment statements that are listed and ignored in the assembly process.

The assembly-language program is formulated as a sequence of statements of the above form, terminated by an optional END statement. All statements following the END are ignored by the assembler.

3.3 Forming the Operand

To describe the operation codes and pseudo operations completely, it is necessary first to present the form of the operand field, since it is used in nearly all statements. Expressions in the operand field consist of simple operands, labels, constants, and reserved words, combined in properly formed subexpressions by arithmetic and logical operators. The expression computation is carried out by the assembler as the assembly proceeds. Each expression must produce a 16-bit value during the assembly. Further, the number of significant digits in the result must not exceed the intended use. If an expression is to be used in a byte move immediate instruction, the most significant 8 bits of the expression must be zero. The restriction on the expression significance is given with the individual instructions.

3.3.1 Labels

A label is an identifier that occurs on a particular statement. In general, the label is given a value determined by the type of statement that it precedes. If the label occurs on a statement that generates machine code or reserves memory space (for example, a MOV instruction or a DS pseudo operation), the label is given the value of the program address that it labels. If the label precedes an EQU or SET, the label is given the value that results from evaluating the operand field. Except for the SET statement, an identifier can label only one statement.

When a label appears in the operand field, its value is substituted by the assembler. This value can then be combined with other operands and operators to form the operand field for a particular instruction.

3.3.2 Numeric Constants

A numeric constant is a 16-bit value in one of several bases. The base, called the radix of the constant, is denoted by a trailing radix indicator. The following are radix indicators:

Bis a binary constant (base 2).
Ois a octal constant (base 8).
Qis a octal constant (base 8).
Dis a decimal constant (base 10).
His a hexadecimal constant (base 16).

Q is an alternate radix indicator for octal numbers because the letter O is easily confused with the digit 0. Any numeric constant that does not terminate with a radix indicator is a decimal constant.

A constant is composed as a sequence of digits, followed by an optional radix indicator, where the digits are in the appropriate range for the radix. Binary constants must be composed of 0 and 1 digits, octal constants can contain digits in the range 0-7, while decimal constants contain decimal digits. Hexadecimal constants contain decimal digits as well as hexadecimal digits A(10D), B(11D), C(12D), D(13D), E(14D), and F(15D). Note that the leading digit of a hexadecimal constant must be a decimal digit to avoid confusing a hexadecimal constant with an identifier. A leading 0 will always suffice. A constant composed in this manner must evaluate to a binary number that can be contained within a 16-bit counter, otherwise it is truncated on the right by the assembler.

Similar to identifiers, embedded $ signs are allowed within constants to improve their readability. Finally, the radix indicator is translated to upper-case if a lower-case letter is encountered. The following are all valid instances of numeric constants:


3.3.3 Reserved Words

There are several reserved character sequences that have predefined meanings in the operand field of a statement. The names of 8080 registers are given below. When they are encountered, they produce the values shown to the right.

Table 3-1. Reserved Characters

Again, lower-case names have the same values as their upper-case equivalents. Machine instructions can also be used in the operand field; they evaluate to their internal codes. In the case of instructions that require operands, where the specific operand becomes a part of the binary bit pattern of the instruction, for example, MOV A,B, the value of the instruction, in this case MOV, is the bit pattern of the instruction with zeros in the optional fields, for example, MOV produces 40H.

When the symbol $ occurs in the operand field, not embedded within identifiers and numeric constants, its value becomes the address of the next instruction to generate, not including the instruction contained within the current logical line.

3.3.4 String Constants

String constants represent sequences of ASCII characters and are represented by enclosing the characters within apostrophe symbols. All strings must be fully contained within the current physical line (thus allowing exclamation point symbols within strings) and must not exceed 64 characters in length. The apostrophe character itself can be included within a string by representing it as a double apostrophe (the two keystrokes"), which becomes a single apostrophe when read by the assembler. In most cases, the string length is restricted to either one or two characters (the DB pseudo operation is an exception), in which case the string becomes an 8- or 16-bit value, respectively. Two-character strings become a 16-bit constant, with the second character as the low-order byte, and the first character as the high-order byte.

The value of a character is its corresponding ASCII code. There is no case translation within strings; both upper- and lower-case characters can be represented. You should note that only graphic printing ASCII characters are allowed within strings.

Valid strings:How assembler reads strings:
'A' 'AB' 'ab' 'c'A AB ab c
'' 'a''' '''' ''''a '''
'Walla Walla Wash.'Walla Walla Wash
'She said "Hello" to me.'She said "Hello" to me.
'I said "Hello" to her.'I said "Hello" to her.

3.3.5 Arithmetic and Logical Operators

The operands described in Section 3.3 can be combined in normal algebraic notation using any combination of properly formed operands, operators, and parenthesized expressions. The operators recognized in the operand field are described in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2. Arithmetic and Logical Operators
a + bunsigned arithmetic sum of a and b
a - bunsigned arithmetic difference between a and b
+ bunary plus (produces b)
- bunary minus (identical to 0 - b)
a * bunsigned magnitude multiplication of a and b
a / bunsigned magnitude division of a by b
a MOD bremainder after a / b.
NOT blogical inverse of b (all 0s become 1s, 1s become 0s), where b is considered a 16-bit value
a AND bbit-by-bit logical and of a and b
a OR bbit-by-bit logical or of a and b
a XOR bbit-by-bit logical exclusive or of a and b
a SHL bthe value that results from shifting a to the lef by an amount b, with zero fill
a SHR bthe value that results from shifting a to the right by an amount b, with zero fill

In each case, a and b represent simple operands (labels, numeric constants, reserved words, and one- or two-character strings) or fully enclosed parenthesized subexpressions, like those shown in the following examples:

     10+20 10h+37Q L1/3 (L2+4) SHR3
     ('a' and 5fh)+'O'('B'+B)OR(PSW+M)

Note that all computations are performed at assembly time as 16-bit unsigned operations. Thus, -1 is computed as 0 - 1, which results in the value 0ffffh (that is, all 1s). The resulting expression must fit the operation code in which it is used. For example, if the expression is used in an ADI (add immediate) instruction, the high-order 8 bits of the expression must be zero. As a result, the operation ADI -1 produces an error message (-1 becomes 0ffffh, which cannot be represented as an 8-bit value), while ADI (-1) AND 0FFH is accepted by the assembler because the AND operation zeros the high-order bits of the expression.

3.3.6 Precedence of Operators

As a convenience to the programmer, ASM assumes that operators have a relative precedence of application that allows the programmer to write expressions without nested levels of parentheses. The resulting expression has assumed parentheses that are defined by the relative precedence. The order of application of operators in unparenthesized expressions is listed below. Operators listed first have highest precedence (they are applied first in an unparenthesized expression), while operators listed last have lowest precedence. Operators listed on the same line have equal precedence, and are applied from left to right as they are encountered in an expression.

     * / MOD SHL SHR
     - +
     OR XOR

Thus, the expressions shown to the left below are interpreted by the assembler as the fully parenthesized expressions shown to the right.

a*b+c(a*b) + c
a+b*ca + (b*c)
a MOD b*c SHL d((a MOD b) * c) SHL d
a OR b AND NOT c+d SHL ea OR (b AND (NOT (c + (d SHL e))))

Balanced, parenthesized subexpressions can always be used to override the assumed parentheses; thus, the last expression above could be rewritten to force application of operators in a different order, as shown:

     ( a OR b ) AND ( NOT c ) + d SHL e

This results in these assumed parentheses:

     (a OR b ) AND ( (NOT c ) + ( d SHL e ) )

An unparenthesized expression is well-formed only if the expression that results from inserting the assumed parentheses is well-formed.

3.4 Assembler Directives

Assembler directives are used to set labels to specific values during the assembly, perform conditional assembly, define storage areas, and specify starting addresses in the program. Each assembler directive is denoted by a pseudo operation that appears in the operation field of the line. The acceptable pseudo operations are shown in Table 3-3.

Table 3-3. Assembler Directives
ORGset the program or data origin
ENDend program, optional start address
EQUnumeric equate
SETnumeric set
IFbegin conditional assembly
ENDIFend of conditional assembly
DBdefine data bytes
DWdefine data words
DSdefine data storage area

3.4.1 The ORG Directive

The ORG statement takes the form:

     label ORG expression

where label is an optional program identifier and expression is a 16-bit expression, consisting of operands that are defined before the ORG statement. The assembler begins machine code generation at the location specified in the expression. There can be any number of ORG statements within a particular program, and there are no checks to ensure that the programmer is not defining overlapping memory areas. Note that most programs written for the CP/M system begin with an ORG statement of the form:

     ORG 100H

which causes machine code generation to begin at the base of the CP/M transient program area. If a label is specified in the ORG statement, the label is given the value of the expression. This label can then be used in the operand field of other statements to represent this expression.

3.4.2 The END Directive

The END statement is optional in an assembly-language program, but if it is present it must be the last statement. All subsequent statements are ignored in the assembly. The END statement takes the following two forms:

     label END
     label END expression

where the label is again optional. If the first form is used, the assembly process stops, and the default starting address of the program is taken as 0000. Otherwise, the expression is evaluated, and becomes the program starting address. This starting address is included in the last record of the Intel-formatted machine code hex file that results from the assembly. Thus, most CP/M assembly-language programs end with the statement:

     END 100H

resulting in the default starting address of 100H (beginning of the transient program area).

3.4.3 The EQU Directive

The EQU (equate) statement is used to set up synonyms for particular numeric values. The EQU statement takes the form:

     label EQU expression

where the label must be present and must not label any other statement. The assembler evaluates the expression and assigns this value to the identifier given in the label field. The identifier is usually a name that describes the value in a more human-oriented manner. Further, this name is used throughout the program to place parameters on certain functions. Suppose data received from a teletype appears on a particular input port, and data is sent to the teletype through the next output port in sequence. For example, you can use this series of equate statements to define these ports for a particular hardware environment:


At a later point in the program, the statements that access the teletype can appear as follows:



making the program more readable than if the absolute I/O ports are used. Further, if the hardware environment is redefined to start the teletype communications ports at 7FH instead of 10H, the first statement need only be changed to


and the program can be reassembled without changing any other statements.

3.4.4 The SET Directive

The SET statement is similar to the EQU, taking the form:

     label SET expression

except that the label can occur on other SET statements within the program. The expression is evaluated and becomes the current value associated with the label. Thus, the EQU statement defines a label with a single value, while the SET statement defines a value that is valid from the current SET statement to the point where the label occurs on the next SET statement. The use of the SET is similar to the EQU statement, but is used most often in controlling conditional assembly.

3.4.5 The IF and ENDIF Directives

The IF and ENDIF statements define a range of assembly-language statements that are to be included or excluded during the assembly process. These statements take on the form:

     IF expression
     statement# 1

When encountering the IF statement, the assembler evaluates the expression following the IF. All operands in the expression must be defined ahead of the IF statement. If the expression evaluates to a nonzero value, then statement#l through statement#n are assembled. If the expression evaluates to zero, the statements are listed but not assembled. Conditional assembly is often used write a single generic program that includes a number of possible run-time environments, with only a few specific portions of the program selected for any particular assembly. The following program segments, for example, might be part of a program that communicates with either a teletype or a CRT console (but not both) by selecting a particular value for TTY before the assembly begins.

             IF   TTY         ;ASSEMBLE RELATIVE TO
             IN   CONIN       ;READ CONSOLE DATA

In this case, the program assembles for an environment where a teletype is connected, based at port 10H. The statement defining TTY can be changed to


and, in this case, the program assembles for a CRT based at port 20H.

3.4.6 The DB Directive

The DB directive allows the programmer to define initialized storage areas in singleprecision byte format. The DB statement takes the form:

     label DB e#1, e#2, ... , e#n

where e#1 through e#n are either expressions that evaluate to 8-bit values (the highorder bit must be zero) or are ASCII strings of length no greater than 64 characters. There is no practical restriction on the number of expressions included on a single source line. The expressions are evaluated and placed sequentially into the machine code file following the last program address generated by the assembler. String characters are similarly placed into memory starting with the first character and ending with the last character. Strings of length greater than two characters cannot be used as operands in more complicated expressions.

Note:ASCII characters are always placed in memory Note: Note: with the parity bit reset (0). Also, there is no translation from lower- to upper-case within strings.

The optional label can be used to reference the data area throughout the remainder of the program. The following are examples of valid DB statements:

     data:     DB  0,1,2,3,4,5
               DB  data and 0ffh,5,377Q,1+2+3+4
     sign-on:  DB  'please type your name',CR,LF,0
               DB  'AB' SHR 8,'C','DE',AND 7FH

3.4.7 The DW Directive

The DW statement is similar to the DB statement except double- precision two-byte words of storage are initialized. The DW statement takes the form:

     label DW e#1, e#2, ..., e#n

where e#1 through e#n are expressions that evaluate to 16-bit results. Note that ASCII strings of one or two characters are allowed, but strings longer than two characters are disallowed. In all cases, the data storage is consistent with the 8080 processor; the least significant byte of the expression is stored first in memory, followed by the most significant byte. The following are examples of DW statements:

     doub: DW 0ffefh,doub+4,signon-$,255+255
           DW 'a',5,'ab','CD',6 shl 8 or llb.

3.4.8 The DS Directive

The DS statement is used to reserve an area of uninitialized memory, and takes the form:

     label DS expression

where the label is optional. The assembler begins subsequent code generation after the area reserved by the DS. Thus, the DS statement given above has exactly the same effect as the following statement:

            ORG $+expression ;MOVE PAST RESERVED AREA

3.5 Operation Codes

Assembly-language operation codes form the principal part of assembly-language programs and form the operation field of the instruction. In general, ASM accepts all the standard mnemonics for the Intel 8080 microcomputer, which are given in detail in the Intel 8080 Assembly Language Programming Manual. Labels are optional on each input line. The individual operators are listed briefly in the following sections for completeness, although the Intel manuals should be referenced for exact operator details. In Tables 3-4 through 3-8, bit values have the following meaning:

These expressions can be formed from an arbitrary combination of operands and operators. In some cases, the operands are restricted to particular values within the allowable range, such as the PUSH instruction. These cases are noted as they are encountered.

In the sections that follow, each operation code is listed in its most general form, along with a specific example, a short explanation, and special restrictions.

3.5.1 Jumps, Calls, and Returns

The Jump, Call, and Return instructions allow several different forms that test the condition flags set in the 8080 microcomputer CPU. The forms are shown in Table 3-4.

Table 3-4. Jumps, Calls, and Returns
JMPe16JMP L1jump unconditionally to label
JNZe16JNZ L2jump on nonzero condition to label
JZe16JZ 100HJump on zero condition to label
JNCe16JNC L1+4jump no carry to label
JCe16JC L3Jump on carry to label
JPOe16JPO $+8Jump on parity odd to label
JPEe16JPE L4Jump on even parity to label
JPe16JP GAMMAJump on positive result to label
JMe16JM A1Jump on minus to label
CALLe16CALL S1Call subroutine unconditionally
CNZe16CNZ S2Call subroutine on nonzero condition
CZe16CZ 100HCall subroutine on zero condition
CNCe16CNC SI+4Call subroutine if no carry set
CCe16CC S3Call subroutine if carry set
CPOe16CPO $+8Call subroutine if parity odd
CPEe16CPE $4Call subroutine if parity even
CPe16CP GAMMACall subroutine if positive result
CMe16CM b1$c2Call subroutine if minus flag
RSTe3RST 0Programmed restart, equivalent to CALL 8*e3, except one byte call
RET  Return from subroutine
RNZ  Return if nonzero flag set
RZ  Return if zero flag set
RNC  Return if no carry
RC  Return if carry flag set
RPO  Return if parity is odd
RPE  Return if parity is even
RP  Return if positive result
RM  Return if minus flag is set

3.5.2 Immediate Operand Instructions

Several instructions are available that load single- or double-precision registers or single-precision memory cells with constant values, along with instructions that perform immediate arithmetic or logical operations on the accumulator (register A). Table 3-5 describes the immediate operand instructions.

Table 3-5. Immediate Operand Instructions
Form with
Bit Values
MVI e3,e8MVI B,255Move immediate data to register A, B, C, D, E, H, L, or M (memory)
ADI e8ADI 1Add immediate operand to A without carry
ACI e8ACI 0FFHAdd immediate operand to A with carry
SUI e8SUI L + 3Subtract from A without borrow (carry)
SBI e8SBI L AND 11BSubtract from A with borrow (carry)
ANI e8ANI $ AND 7FHLogical and A with immediate data
XRI e8XRI 1111$0000BExclusive or A with immediate data
ORI e8ORI L AND 1+1Logical or A with immediate data
CPI e8CPI 'a'Compare A with immediate data, same as SUI except register A not changed.
LXI e3,e16LXI B, 100HLoad extended immediate to register pair. e3 must be equivalent to B, D, H,or SP.

3.5.3 Increment and Decrement Instructions

The 8080 provides instructions for incrementing or decrementing single- and double precision registers. The instructions are described in Table 3-6.

Table 3-6. Increment and Decrement Instructions
Form with
Bit Value
INR e3INR ESingle-precision increment register. e3 produces one of A, B, C, D, E, H, L, M.
DCR e3DCR ASingle-precision decrement register. e3 produces one of A, B, C, D, E, H, L, M.
INX e3INX SPDouble-precision increment register pair. e3 must be equivalent to B, D, H, or SP.
DCX e3DCX BDouble-precision decrement register pair. e3 must be equivalent to B, D, H, or SP.

3.5.4 Data Movement Instructions

Instructions that move data from memory to the CPU and from CPU to memory are given in the following table.

Table 3-7. Data Movement Instructions
Form with
Bit Value
MOV e3,e3MOV A,BMove data to leftmost element from rightmost element. e3 produces one of A, B, C, D, E, H, L, or M. MOV M,M is disallowed.
LDAX e3LDAX BLoad register A from computed address. e3 must produce either B or D.
STAX e3STAX DStore register A to computed address. e3 must produce either B or D.
LHLD e16LHLD L1Load HL direct from location e16. Double-precision load to H and L.
SHLD e16SHLD L5+xStore HL direct to location e16. Double-precision store from H and L to memory.
LDA e16LDA GammaLoad register A from address e16.
STA e16STA X3-5Store register A into memory at e16.
POP e3POP PSWLoad register pair from stack, set SP. e3 must produce one of B, D, H, or PSW.
PUSH e3PUSH BStore register pair into stack, set SP. e3 must produce on of B, D, H, or PSW.
IN e8IN 0Load register A with data from port e8.
OUT e8OUT 255Send data from register A to port e8.
XTHL Exchange data from top of stack with HL.
PCHL Fill program counter with data from HL.
SPHL Fill stack pointer with data from HL.
XCHG Exchange DE pair with HL pair.

3.5.5 Arithmetic Logic Unit Operations

Instructions that act upon the single-precision accumulator to perform arithmetic and logic operations are given in the following table.

Table 3-8. Arithmetic Logic Unit Operations
Form with
Bit Value
ADD e3ADD BAdd register given by e3 to accumulator without carry. e3 must produce one of A, B, C, D, E, H, or L.
ADC e3ADC LAdd register to A with carry, e3 as above.
SUB e3SUB HSubtract reg e3 from A without carry, e3 is defined as above.
SBB e3SBB 2Subtract register e3 from A with carry, e3 defined as above.
ANA e3ANA 1+1Logical and reg with A, e3 as above.
XRA e3XRA AExclusive or with A, e3 as above.
ORA e3ORA BLogical or with A, e3 defined as above.
CMP e3CMP HCompare register with A, e3 as above.
DAA Decimal adjust register A based upon last arithmetic logic unit operation.
CMA Complement the bits in register A.
STC Set the carry flag to 1.
CMC Complement the carry flag.
RLC Rotate bits left, (re)set carry as a side effect. High-order A bit becomes carry.
RRC Rotate bits right, (re)set carry as side effect. Low-order A bit becomes carry.
RAL Rotate carry/A register to left. Carry is involved in the rotate.
RAR Rotate carry/A register to right. Carry is involved in the rotate.
DAD e3DAD BDouble-precision add register pair e3 to HL. e3 must produce B, D, H, or SP.

3.5.6 Control Instructions

The four remaining instructions, categorized as control instructions, are the following:

3.6 Error Messages

When errors occur within the assembly-language program, they are listed as singlecharacter flags in the leftmost position of the source listing. The line in error is also echoed at the console so that the source listing need not be examined to determine if errors are present. The error codes are listed in the following table.

Table 3-9. Error Codes
Error CodeMeaning
DData error: element in data statement cannot be placed in the specified data area.
EExpression error: expression is ill-formed and cannot be computed at assembly time.
LLabel error: label cannot appear in this context; might be duplicate label.
NNot implemented: features that will appear in future ASM versions. For example, macros are recognized, but flagged in this version.
OOverflow: expression is too complicated (too many pending operators) to be computed and should be simplified.
PPhase error: label does not have the same value on two subsequent passes through the program.
RRegister error: the value specified as a register is not compatible with the operation code.
SSyntax error: statement is not properly formed.
YValue error: operand encountered in expression is improperly formed.

Table 3-10 lists the error messages that are due to terminal error conditions.

The file specified in the ASM command does not exist on disk.
The disk directory is full; erase files that are not needed and retry.
Improperly formed ASM filename, for example, It is specified with ? fields.
Source file cannot be read properly by the assembler; execute a TYPE to determine the point of error.
Output files cannot be written properly; most likely cause is a full disk, erase and retry.
Output file cannot be closed; check to see if disk is write protected.

Table 3-10. Error Messages

3.7 A Sample Session

The following sample session shows interaction with the assembler and debugger in the development of a simple assembly-language program. The arrow represents a carriage return keystroke.

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